Seal Prince and the Roof Rats
When Lachie Chomley (aka Seal Prince) called his merry band of friends together (aka the Roof Rats) to record a tune for an environmental songwriting competition, none of them foresaw the wild ride that would carry them forward to this point, right here, right now, ready to share their sweet songs of connection and liberation with you. Tracing their origins to the edge of industrial and suburban Geelong, where the basalt plain meets the salty waters of Corio Bay, the rats are now flung across Victoria. But there is nothing they love more than coming together to ride the emotional rollercoaster of the Seal Prince.
This folk-rock five piece ranges the full spectrum of the human experience, giving voice to social and environmental struggle, as well as the beauty and resilience of connection to place and community. Playful and raucous one minute, and tender and heartfelt the next, Seal Prince and the Roof Rats jump genres to create what can only be called “eco-rock”, and always their focus is on authenticity and care-factor. Open your heart and put on your wetsuit cause we’re going on a sonic storytelling deep-dive!